All About Us
Opening Hours:
Andersons’ Bay Community Kindergarten is open Monday to Friday, from 8:15am - 2:45pm. We are open during school holidays with a three week close down period over Christmas.
Children can begin at Andy Bay Kindy at age 2. We frequently have children stay on at kindy after their fifth birthdays and we are very supportive of this practise, as we acknowledge that children develop at different rates, and we excel at meeting the unique needs of each child.
No fees for over 3's:
We offer FREE education for children 3 years old and over!
For children under 3, the rate is $3.00 per hour.
Days and Hours of Attendance
There is no minimum on the number of days or hours a child may attend our kindy. Many of our children start coming 2-3 days days a week and increase these days as it suits the family. We recommend children come a minimum of 2 days to ensure they can settle in and make connections with the other children.
Most children arrive between 8:15am and 9:00am, and go home at 2:45pm. Some children do a shorter day especially if they are going home for a sleep. Other children have an afternoon sleep at kindy in our designated sleep area.
We aim to be flexible to meet the needs of all families and understand that these change over time.
Daily Routine
Each day generally follows a basic routine where a wide range of activities are offered.
On arrival, children choose how they want to start the day, and often develop their own routines. Some read with a teacher or parent, others head straight to the bikes, sandpit and climbing equipment. Some make a beeline for a special friend, or rush to explore the day's art activities. Parents and caregivers are welcome to stay as long as they like.
A short informal group time is held at about 9.30am before morning tea. This involves coming together as a kindy whānau to share news and welcome everyone. There may also be reading, stories, singing or games at this time.
At our kindy children learn through fun and play and can follow their interests and passions as these evolve. The teachers ensure a play based curriculum provides stimulating and ever-changing experiences and environments.
At all times the children are given the opportunity to take part in activities that centre around early literacy and mathematics, including music, collage, painting, family corner, puzzles, books, woodwork or tactile experiences.
Our kindergarten is a community kindergarten. We believe it is important to involve family/whānau and the community in the education of your child, and we provide opportunities for you to share in your child’s time and education at kindergarten.
Parents provide morning tea and lunch for their child. Please follow the guidelines in our Nutrition Policy. Water is available throughout the session.